Todo en bithem trap valve station

Productos relacionados con bithem trap valve station: 4

High Pressure Bi-Thermostatic bimetallic steam trap, with corrosion resistant regulator unaffected by waterhammer and superheated steam.

THERMOSTATIC STEAM TRAP (clon 4_1) (clon 5_4) (clon 6_5)


High Pressure Bi-Thermostatic bimetallic steam trap, with corrosion resistant regulator unaffected by waterhammer and superheated steam.

THERMOSTATIC STEAM TRAP (clon 4_1) (clon 5_4) (clon 6_5) (clon 8_6)


High Pressure Bi-Thermostatic bimetallic steam trap, with corrosion resistant regulator unaffected by waterhammer and superheated steam.

Alta descarga Magnus


High Pressure Bi-Thermostatic bimetallic steam trap, with corrosion resistant regulator unaffected by waterhammer and superheated steam.

THERMOSTATIC STEAM TRAP (clon 4_1) (clon 5_4) (clon 6_5) (clon 8_6) (clon 11_8)



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